My Story?
Hi everyone who is totally awsome for reading this. I just wanted to let everyone know that my third chapter of Sondra's Diary was rejected and will not be posted on this site because I explained to much or something about sex. But you can still read it here and get all the gory and sexual things that were not aloud here...though it wasn't much...I just said there was pain and blood, or something and they weren't having it. I guess it wasn't PG enough...sorry. If you want to read it andyway go here
Oh and please rate it high :) some dillhole rated it like one star, how rude. I always make sure to rate five because I am nice that way and want people to be happy and show me the same courtisy....I think I smelled that wrong. Oh and please sign both of my guestbooks if you have the time. If you do have time, so do I and I love meeting new people, signing guestbooks, taking polls, rating any and all things five stars or whatever. Please be nice and help me out, because I will gladly do it for you!!:)
Oh yeah and make sure you get to read the whole thing, sometimes you have to puch a show all images thing. I hope you enjoy my stories and whatnot. bye, thanks and enjoy!!:)
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